C++ Interface

The shared library interface is the simplest way to implement a C++ agent for the Arcade Learning Environment (ALE). This interface allows agents to directly access ALE via a class called ALEInterface, defined in ale_interface.hpp. Example code detailing a simple random agent is provided under examples/cpp-agent.

To instantiate the Arcade Learning Environment it is enough to write:

ale::ALEInterface ale;

Once the environment is initialized, it is now possible to set its arguments. This is done with the functions setBool(), setInt(), setFloat(). For example, to set the environment’s seed we write:

ale.setInt("random_seed", 123);

Finally, after setting the desired environment parameters we now load the game ROM by providing its filename to the loadROM method:


There are two different action sets provided by ALE: the “legal” set and the “minimal” set. Save for a few rare exceptions, the legal action set consists of all 18 actions for all games, including duplicates and actions with no effect. On the other hand, the minimal action set for a game contains only the actions that have some effect on that game. The getLegalActionSet and getMinimalActionSet methods provide the desired action sets:

ale::ActionVect legal_actions = ale.getLegalActionSet();

Taking an action is done by calling the function act() with a value from the Action enum:

ale::Action a = legal_actions[rand() % legal_actions.size()];
float reward = ale.act(a);

An optional sound observation is provided. To enable, set the associated environment parameter:

ale.setBool("sound_obs", True);

Once enabled, the sound observation may be obtained by calling:


Finally, one can check whether the episode has terminated using the function ale.game_over(). With these functions one can already implement a very simple agent that plays randomly for one episode:

#include <iostream>
#include <ale_interface.hpp>

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    if (argc < 2) {
        std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " rom_file" << std::endl;
        return 1;

    ale::ALEInterface ale;
    ale.setInt("random_seed", 123);

    ale::ActionVect legal_actions = ale.getLegalActionSet();

    float totalReward = 0.0;
    while (!ale.game_over()) {
        Action a = legal_actions[std::rand() % legal_actions.size()];
        float reward = ale.act(a);
        totalReward += reward;

        std::cout << "The episode ended with score: " << totalReward
            << std::endl;

    return 0;

Compiling with the shared library can be done by appending -lale or by using find_package(ale) and linking to the cmake target ale::ale-lib.

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.14)


find_package(ale REQUIRED)

add_executable(sharedLibraryInterfaceExample sharedLibraryInterfaceExample.cpp)
target_link_libraries(sharedLibraryInterfaceExample ale::ale-lib)

add_executable(sharedLibraryInterfaceWithModesExample sharedLibraryInterfaceWithModesExample.cpp)
target_link_libraries(sharedLibraryInterfaceWithModesExample ale::ale-lib)