Python Interface¶
The Python interface ale-py
supports the following configurations:
Platform |
Architecture |
Python Version |
Linux |
x64 |
3.9+ |
macOS |
x64, arm64 |
3.9+ |
Windows |
AMD64 |
3.9+ |
To install the Python interface from PyPi simply run:
pip install ale-py
Once installed you can import the native ALE interface as ale_py
from ale_py import ALEInterface
ale = ALEInterface()
Gymnasium API¶
ALE supports the Gymnasium API such that all the setup required for interacting with the emulator is complete. See the environment page for all the available ROMs and the gymnasium getting started page for how to interact.
import gymnasium as gym
import ale_py
env = gym.make('ALE/Breakout-v5')
obs, info = env.reset()
obs, reward, terminated, truncated, info = env.step(env.action_space.sample())
C++ Interface¶
The C++ library requires:
A C++17 compiler
CMake 3.14+
(Optional) SDL 2 for display/audio support
SDL support allows for displaying the console’s screen and enabling audio output. For example, without SDL support you’ll still be able to train your agents, but you won’t be able to visualize the resulting policy. It might be preferable to disable SDL support when compiled on a cluster but enable SDL locally. Note: SDL support defaults to OFF.
You can use any package manager to install these dependencies but we recommend using vcpkg
. Here’s a minimal example of installing these dependencies and building/installing the C++ library.
vcpkg install zlib sdl2
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ../ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build . --target install
These steps will work on any platform, just make sure to specify the environment variable VCPKG_INSTALLATION_ROOT
to point to your vcpkg installation so we can find the required dependencies. If you install any vcpkg dependencies using non-standard triplets you can specify the environment variable VCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET
. For more info check out the vcpkg docs on how to configure your environment.
Once the ALE is installed you can link against the library in your C++ project as follows
find_package(ale REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(YourTarget ale::ale-lib)